************************************************************************* *University of British Columbia *Sauder School of Business *Vanessa Alviarez *Multinationals and Comparative Advantage *Journal of International Economics ************************************************************************** *==================================================================== Readme file for "Multinational Production and Comparative Advantage" *==================================================================== *--------------------------------------------------------------------- Folders and directory *--------------------------------------------------------------------- -Main folder is called "Data and Replication Files" -This file contains a directory do file called "MP_CA_directory.do". The user should add her/his corresponding directory - Subfolders: a) stata_do b) stata_dta c) matlab_code /*This include both m and mat files*/ d) figures e) tables - General do files: b) MP_CA_directory.do (This is the main directory. To be change by the user) a) sample_countries.do *--------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 1: Main Datasets: *--------------------------------------------------------------------- - MP/Trade dataset: "${MP_CA_data}/mp_dataset_ori_loc_sec.dta" - Bilateral gravity dataset: "${MP_CA_data}/bilateral_dataset_complete.dta" - TFP dataset "${MP_CA_data}/productivity_dataset_complete.dta" - Taxes and Labor/Capital dataset: "${MP_CA_data}/taxes_lk_dataset_complete.dta" - Notice that there are a number of auxiliar datasets in the dta folder *--------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 3: Stylized Fact *--------------------------------------------------------------------- run do section_3_1.do /*This file takes combine the above datasets and prepares a file of observables and export it to Matlab* run do section_3_2.do /*Creates the Tables and Figures:*/ *Main Text: Table 1: Relationship Between Bilateral Sectoral MP and Relative Productivity Table 2: Relationship Between Bilateral Sectoral MP and Productivity Figure 1: Sectoral MP and Productivity *Appendix: Table A1: Relationship Between Bilateral Sectoral MP and Relative Productivity (OLS) Table A2: Relationship Between Bilateral Sectoral MP and Relative Productivity (OLS and PPML, average of the ratio) Table A3: Relationship Between Bilateral Sectoral MP and Productivity (country-sector level) Table A4: Relationship Between Bilateral Sectoral MP and Productivity (T source and T location, OLS) Table A5: Relationship Between Bilateral Sectoral MP and Productivity (T source and T location, OLS (average of the ratio)) *--------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 4: Estimation of productivity parameters *--------------------------------------------------------------------- run do section_4_withcapital.do /* Produces T's, g's and d's parameters following Section 4 in the paper (in a model with capital) */ - It calls run do module_g_interation_m.do (in gravity_mp/poisson or gravity_mp/reg subfolder) run do section_4_nocapital.do /* Robutness: Produces T's, g's and d's paramters following Section 4 in the paper (in a model without capital) */ - It calls run do module_g_interation_m.do run do section_4_2_1.do /*Creates the Tables and Figures:*/ *Main Text: Table 1: Relative Productivity, by Country and Industry Figure 2: Effective and Fundamental Productivities Figure 3: Multinational Production and Sectoral Productivity Figure 4: Estimated Multinational Production Barriers, glsj *Appendix: Figure A.5: dj for a Selective Group of Countries *--------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 5: Counterfactuals *--------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Main Equilibrium: <> run section_4_1.m /* Main file that runs the equilibrium. This file should be runned before each counterfactual */ - run Equilibrium_mp_complete_loop_CES.m - run model_fit.m <
> - run trade_mp_share.m - run agg_betas_gammas.m - run welfare_analysis.m - run Model_based_formulas.m - run agg_betas_gammas_ossa_fv.m 2) Counterfactual 1 (lower MP barriers): <
> run section_4_1.m /* Main file that runs the equilibrium. This file should be runned before each counterfactual */ - run Equilibrium_mp_complete_loop_CES.m - run trade_mp_share.m - run agg_betas_gammas.m - run welfare_analysis.m - run Model_based_formulas.m - run agg_betas_gammas_ossa_fv.m run Counterfactuals_gd_lower_fv.m 3) Counterfactual 2 (Eliminating fundamental CA): <
> run section_4_1.m /* Main file that runs the equilibrium. This file should be runned before each counterfactual */ - run Equilibrium_mp_complete_loop_CES.m - run trade_mp_share.m - run agg_betas_gammas.m - run welfare_analysis.m - run Model_based_formulas.m - run agg_betas_gammas_ossa_fv.m run Equilibrium_mp_loop_prices_fv.m run Equilibrium_mp_loop_Zs_fv.m run Counterfactuals_Costinot_m_adjusted_fv.m 4) Counterfactual 3 (keeping effective comparative advantage unchanged) <
> run section_4_1.m /* Main file that runs the equilibrium. This file should be runned before each counterfactual */ - run Equilibrium_mp_complete_loop_CES.m - run trade_mp_share.m - run agg_betas_gammas.m - run welfare_analysis.m - run Model_based_formulas.m - run agg_betas_gammas_ossa_fv.m run Counterfactuals_CAintact_fv.m 5) Counterfactual 4 (MP prohibitively costly in Non-Tradables): <
> run section_4_1.m /* Main file that runs the equilibrium. This file should be runned before each counterfactual */ - run Equilibrium_mp_complete_loop_CES.m - run trade_mp_share.m - run agg_betas_gammas.m - run welfare_analysis.m - run Model_based_formulas.m - run agg_betas_gammas_ossa_fv.m run Counterfactuals_NT_fv.m